100% Secure Shopping at QS Supplies
All personal information is stored using 128 bit encryption. We utilise the industry-standard Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt all the personal information including credit or debit card numbers, names and addresses.

Our Site is Secured By McAfee Secure and Cloudflare. McAfee Secure sites help keep you safe from identity theft, credit card fraud, spy-ware, spam, viruses and online scams
Safe and secure shopping online
We use dedicated servers that gears with Secure Socket Layering (SSL) to guard your details and improve your shopping experience. As SSL is totally secured & industry standard encryption enables millions of secure on line dealings every day.
With SSL Secured online transaction your payment and personal details are safe when you order any product with QS Supplies. If you want an alternative way of payment you can even do that, by directly calling us on phone at 0116 251 0051. We are open 7 days a week from Monday to Friday from morning 9:00 to 6:00 in the evening, and on Saturday and Sunday from Morning 9:00 to 5:00 in the evening.
Buy in confidence with QS Supplies.